Florida Senate President Bill Galvano wants to see three major highways extended to more rural areas of the state in an effort to drive investment into those areas, but as the plan gains traction it’s unclear whether those roads will ever be built. Lynn Hatter has more.
University graduate school is never easy. The coursework is demanding. The hours are long. And for those graduate students who become teaching assistants to try and supplement their often meager income prospects, the hours are longer and the demands even greater. For graduate students from other countries, the situation can often be overwhelming. At least, that’s what Robbie Gaffney discovered during an investigation of the international graduate program at Florida State University.
There’s been lots of action in the Florida House over the past 24-hours. Ryan Dailey hits the highlights, while Blaise Gainey previews his upcoming piece on Florida’s assignment of benefits problem. Meanwhile, Robbie Gaffney shares a personal experience with imported prescription drugs, which is something Florida lawmakers are also considering for the entire state.
During week six of the 2019 legislative session, the House passed a bill that would address assignment of benefits issue that has plagued Florida’s insurance industry for years. But as Blaise Gainey reports a change was made that some say may cause more abuse of the system.
Gina Jordan is looking ahead to the Session’s Week Number Seven.
One of Governor Ron DeSantis’s campaign pledges was to make Israel the first foreign country he visits in office. WLRN’s Tim Padgett reports DeSantis came to South Florida earlier this week to announce he’s keeping that promise and that he’ll do more than just visit Israel.