The House is proposing nearly 300 million dollars in tax cuts. Nick Evans reports the ways and means committee unveiled their ideas this week.
A gambling overhaul bill passed through the full Florida Senate Thursday. Meanwhile the House bill is heading for that chamber’s floor. While leaders say it’s been years since a gambling bill has advanced so far through the process, others point out there’s a long way left to go.
Death penalty opponents rallied at Florida’s Capitol in support of Orlando State Attorney Aramis (Air-a-miss) Ayala (i-YAH-la). Republican lawmakers are considering cutting her office’s budget due to her refusal to seek the death penalty in capital cases. But Ayala says a budget cut would hurt her office’s ability to prosecute crimes, as we hear from Sarah Mueller.
Florida has more than 100 schools that it labels “persistent failures.” Those schools have earned Ds and Fs for several years in a row. Many of them suffer from high poverty and high teacher turnover. The issues facing parents, teachers and students in such schools are complex. Now, as Lynn Hatter reports, a House panel has unveiled a plan that would change the way the state deals with such situations.
A couple of bills moving in the Florida legislature aims to make law enforcement officers’ jobs a bit easier. Sascha Cordner reports.