Legislation filed in Florida would make transporting, concealing or harboring undocumented immigrants a felony. Latino evangelical pastors from across the state traveled to Tallahassee Monday to urge state lawmakers backing the proposal to reconsider. Valerie Crowder has more…
Within a few days of its passage, Governor DeSantis has signed a massive expansion of school vouchers into law. Lynn Hatter talks it over with Tom Flanigan.
A constitutional amendment requiring all school board races in Florida to be partisan affairs is likely to wind up on next year’s ballot. Tom Flanigan reports the measure is close to consideration by both legislative chambers.
Hospital workers regularly face verbal and physical attacks while on the job. Data shows those attacks are on the rise and nurses are most likely to be the victims. That can lead to a higher rate of turn-over all as the state stares down a nursing shortage. Regan McCarthy reports lawmakers are looking for ways to give healthcare workers more power and safety in their jobs.
Palm Beach Democratic Senator [LOR-EE/BER-MEN] Lori Berman wants to create a state holiday for the Holocaust. A bill moving through that chamber would designate January 27th as an observance for the millions of victims. Adrian Andrews has more.
Gina Jordan looks ahead to Tuesday’s activity at the Capitol.