Steve Newborn
Steve Newborn is WUSF's assistant news director as well as a reporter and producer at WUSF covering environmental issues and politics in the Tampa Bay area.
He’s been with WUSF since 2001, and has covered events such as President George W. Bush’s speech in Sarasota as the Sept. 11 attacks unfolded; the ongoing drama over whether the feeding tube should be removed from Terri Schiavo; the arrest and terrorism trial of USF professor Sami Al-Arian; how the BP Deepwater Horizon spill affected Florida; and he followed the Florida Wildlife Corridor Expedition through the state - twice.
Before joining WUSF, he covered environmental and Polk County news for the Tampa Tribune and worked for NASA at the Kennedy Space Center during the early days of the space shuttle.
Florida's U.S. senator says the Biden administration isn't doing enough to combat disinformation and interference from foreign actors in elections.
St. Petersburg College will benefit. The money will be used to create a training center focusing on semiconductors, automation, and robotics.
Mangroves tamper down waves, keeping shorelines from eroding. They are being chopped down faster than they can be replaced.
The more than 12,000 acres along Fisheating Creek in Highlands County is surrounded on all sides by previously preserved lands.
Barely one-fifth of the staghorn corals survived, and elkhorn corals weren't even found at two of the five reefs surveyed.
Resilience in the face of increasingly extreme weather is on the minds this week of those attending the annual Gulf of Mexico Alliance Conference in Tampa.
The bills would also use some of the money to pay for clean water projects and keep agricultural lands from being developed.
Much of Florida's history has been defined by what we grow — think oranges, timber and cattle. A new study says development could threaten much of that heritage.
Those who have quit say the law is onerous, invasive, and an example of government overreach from the state. Government accountability experts say it promotes transparency.
The world's most-visited theme park has become — almost by accident — one of the most important links in a corridor for wildlife spanning the length of Florida. It was created by the very organization that was responsible for kickstarting sprawl in Central Florida a half-century ago.