Jacki Lyden
Longtime listeners recognize Jacki Lyden's voice from her frequent work as a substitute host on NPR. As a journalist who has been with NPR since 1979, Lyden regards herself first and foremost as a storyteller and looks for the distinctive human voice in a huge range of national and international stories.
In the last five years, Lyden has reported from diverse locations including Paris, New York, the backstreets of Baghdad, the byways around rural Kentucky and spent time among former prostitutes in Nashville.
Most recently, Lyden focused her reporting on the underground, literally. In partnership with National Geographic, she and photographer Stephen Alvarez explored the catacombs and underground of the City of Light. The report of the expedition aired on Weekend Edition Sunday and was the cover story of the February 2011 National Geographic magazine.
Lyden's book, Daughter of the Queen of Sheba, recounts her own experience growing up under the spell of a colorful mother suffering from manic depression. The memoir has been published in 11 foreign editions and is considered a memoir classic by The New York Times. Daughter of the Queen of Sheba has been in process as a film, based upon a script by the A-list writer, Karen Croner. She is working on a sequel to the book which will be about memory and what one can really hold on to in a tumultuous life.
Along with Scott Simon, current host of Weekend Edition Saturday, and producer Jonathan Baer, Lyden helped to pioneer NPR's Chicago bureau in 1979. Ten years later, Lyden became NPR's London correspondent and reported on the IRA in Northern Ireland.
In the summer of 1990, when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, Lyden went to Amman, Jordan, where she covered the Gulf War often traveling to and reporting from Baghdad and many other Middle Eastern cites. Her work supported NPR's 1991 Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Award for Gulf War coverage. Additionally, Lyden has reported from countries such as Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt and Iran. In 1995, she did a groundbreaking series for NPR on Iran on the emerging civil society and dissent, called "Iran at the Crossroads."
At home in Brooklyn on September 11, 2001, Lyden was NPR's first reporter on the air from New York that day. She shared in NPR's George Foster Peabody Award and Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Award for coverage of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Lyden later covered the aftermath of the fall of the Taliban in Afghanistan.
In 2002, Lyden and producer Davar Ardalan received the Gracie Award from American Women in Radio and Television for best foreign documentary for "Loss and Its Aftermath." The film was about bereavement among Palestinians and Jews in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel.
That same year Lyden hosted the "National Story Project" on Weekend All Things Considered with internationally-acclaimed novelist Paul Auster. The book that emerged from the show, I Thought My Father Was God, became a national bestseller.
Over the years, Lyden's articles have been publications such as Granta, Atlantic Monthly, The New York Times and The Washington Post. She is a popular speaker, especially on mental health.
A graduate of Valparaiso University, Lyden was given an honorary Ph.D. from the school in 2010. She participated in Valparaiso's program of study at Cambridge University and was a 1991-92 Benton Fellow in Middle East studies at the University of Chicago.
The horse's connection to both freedom and power is the driving theme behind a new show, a kind of equine-human ballet called Cavalia. It was created by one of the people behind the renowned Cirque du Soleil.
The 34-nation Summit of the Americas concludes in Mar del Plata, Argentina, with little apparent progress on a free-trade area promoted by President Bush. The meeting was overshadowed by violent anti-Bush protests.
Experts have long warned of the potential devastation that a slow-moving and powerful hurricane such as Katrina could wage on the historic city of New Orleans. Host Jacki Lyden and Debbie Elliott speak with Joe Suhayda, an oceanographer in Baton Rouge who has been using computer models to predict what damage a hurricane of this magnitude might inflict on New Orleans.
Amid efforts to jump-start stalled negotiations on an Iraqi constitution, thousands gather near President Bush's Texas ranch. Many are there to voice support for his Iraq policy. Others back Cindy Sheehan, a Gold Star mother who opposes the war.
Along with their neighbors, the Kurds, Christians were persecuted by Iraq's Baath regime and expelled from homelands in the north. But nearly a million Christians remain in Iraq, and many want their land back.
Human-rights groups are concerned the Iraqi constitution will place restrictions on women's freedom in areas such as property rights and divorce. Host Jacki Lyden talks about the future role of women in Iraq with Bushra al Samarai, who helped establish a radio station for Iraqi women.
The music of the Asylum Street Spankers hails from the early 20th century, but many of their lyrics are modern enough to be too naughty for NPR. Key players Christina Marrs and Wammo tell Jacki Lyden about their "postmodern jug band."
Four of the largest unions in the AFL-CIO plan to boycott the organization's 50th anniversary convention. The unions involved comprise about one-third of the AFL-CIO's 13 million members.
For the seventh year in a row, Lance Armstrong has won the Tour de France. And this was a victory lap of sorts. Armstrong will retire at 33. Racing fans will miss him, but look forward to new competition.
Police in London now say the man chased and shot to death Friday by plainclothes officers in a subway station was not linked to the city's July bombings. He was a 27-year-old Brazilian who had lived in London for several years.