Ina Jaffe
Ina Jaffe is a veteran NPR correspondent covering the aging of America. Her stories on Morning Edition and All Things Considered have focused on older adults' involvement in politics and elections, dating and divorce, work and retirement, fashion and sports, as well as issues affecting long term care and end of life choices. In 2015, she was named one of the nation's top "Influencers in Aging" by PBS publication Next Avenue, which wrote "Jaffe has reinvented reporting on aging."
Jaffe also reports on politics, contributing to NPR's coverage of national elections since 2008. From her base at NPR's production center in Culver City, California, Jaffe has covered most of the region's major news events, from the beating of Rodney King to the election of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. She's also developed award-winning enterprise pieces. Her 2012 investigation into how the West Los Angeles VA made millions from illegally renting vacant property while ignoring plans to house homeless veterans won an award from the Society of Professional Journalists as well as a Gracie Award from the Alliance for Women in Media. A few months after the story aired, the West Los Angeles VA broke ground on supportive housing for homeless vets.
Her year-long coverage on the rising violence in California's public psychiatric hospitals won the 2011 Investigative Reporters and Editors Award as well as a Gracie Award. Her 2010 series on California's tough three strikes law was honored by the American Bar Association with the Silver Gavel Award, as well as by the Society of Professional Journalists.
Before moving to Los Angeles, Jaffe was the first editor of Weekend Edition Saturday with Scott Simon, which made its debut in 1985.
Born in Chicago, Jaffe attended the University of Wisconsin and DePaul University, receiving bachelor's and master's degrees in philosophy, respectively.
New York and New Jersey want nursing homes to accept recovering hospital patients, regardless of their COVID-19 status, to free up space in hospitals. What's to keep the virus from spreading?
Supermarkets have introduced senior shopping hours — older adults, pregnant women and people with disabilities can use those times to get food and supplies before the crowds arrive.
Many of the deaths from coronavirus have been at a nursing home in Kirkland, Wash. Nursing homes face numerous problems controlling infection.
Under a system like "Medicare for All," there are questions about job loss and older insurance workers. Studies show that job retraining is less effective for older workers.
Under a system like "Medicare for All," there are questions about job loss and older insurance workers. Studies show that job retraining is less effective for older workers.
Decades after Japanese Americans were sent to internment camps during World War II, California's state legislature will officially apologize. Few, however, are still alive to appreciate the apology.
In one incident, Weinstein allegedly went to a hotel and raped a woman after pushing his way into her room. The second alleged assault took place the next evening at a hotel in Beverly Hills.
Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., is set to plead guilty to misusing campaign donations. He is expected in federal court on Tuesday.
The Trump administration wants to reduce the "burden" on nursing home operators by relaxing rules governing the facilities. Critics see troubling implications for the care of millions of residents.
Many older adults want to age in their own homes, and the CAPABLE program makes that possible by offering everything from physical therapy to grab bar installation. It's cost effective too.