Casey McDermott

Casey McDermott is an online reporter covering politics, policy, and New Hampshire news. She also works on digital reporting projects for NHPR's newsroom.
Prior to joining NHPR, Casey worked at The Concord Monitor, and held internships at Pro Publica and the Student Press Law Association. While attending college at Penn State, Casey was recognized nationally for her writing and editorial work as Editor in Chief of the school's newspaper, The Collegian, during the Jerry Sandusky scandal.
Some worry that New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner's office was too slow to acknowledge the scale of the election security problem and focused on addressing the wrong challenges.
The state's legislative leaders say the blending of public and private interests that is common among lawmakers of all ranks is a strength, not a weakness.
Lawmakers in New Hampshire rarely recuse themselves from voting on legislation even when that poses a serious conflict of interest.
Since 1960, citizens in a tiny New Hampshire hamlet have gathered at midnight to cast the first official ballots in the presidential race under the gaze of TV cameras.
Bill Gardner has been a staunch defender of New Hampshire's first in the nation presidential primary but his association with President Trump's now-dissolved voter fraud panel has put him in a precarious position.
For 40 years, New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner's office has been a mandatory stop for presidential hopefuls. But his brief association with President Trump may cost him his job.