Anders Kelto
Under the country's three-day experiment to control the deadly Ebola virus, people must stay home while health care teams go door-to-door to spread the word on prevention.
They were married in South Africa. The next day, he told his bride he was HIV positive. Soon after, she tested positive. And she thought nothing in her life would ever go right.
Fear of the virus has raised worries about travel to Africa — for safaris in Tanzania, for school programs in South Africa. But London is closer to the outbreak's epicenter than Johannesburg is.
Desmond D'Sa fought a landfill that took over a beautiful valley and sickened residents with its awful smell. He lost his job but won the battle — and the Goldman Environmental Prize.
We thought you'd get a kick out of seeing how the four teams in the final World Cup matches stack up in global health and development.
Juan Rendon was not a fan. Then he co-directed This Is Not a Ball, a documentary that took him to the slums of Brazil and to an amputee league in Sierra Leone.
Brazil's World Cup soccer stadiums and hotels are packed. But events like that don't pay for themselves. South Africa hosted the last World Cup and the country wasn't left entirely empty handed.
Lawyers are filing lawsuits against South Africa's three largest gold mining companies on behalf of former employees who now have lung diseases. A recent court ruling has paved the way for the cases. Under apartheid, poor, black miners often labored under difficult conditions.
Back in 2008, Zimbabwe's inflation rate was estimated at 79 billion percent. To cure hyperinflation, Zimbabwe ditched its own currency in favor of U.S. dollars. There's only one problem: Those constantly circulating dollars are now filthy and falling apart.
Zimbabwe suffered out-of-control inflation four years ago, and it ravaged an economy already in decline. Today, the economy has stabilized and the shops are full, though many Zimbabweans are still struggling.