A bill to let teachers to grade parents has cleared its first committee in the House with a 10-3, party line vote. Lynn Hatter reports the bill’s sponsor calls it an attempt to get parents more involved in their children’s education.
Under a proposal by Lakeland Republican Representative Kelli Stargel, parents would be graded based on their child’s school attendance, whether the parent has signed all emergency contact forms and if they’ve responded to requests for meetings or communications. Stargel says she wants to start a conversation about the need for parents to be more involved in their child’s education. But Democratic Representative Gwendolyn Clarke-Reed says putting a grade on a parent isn’t the best kind of motivator.
I just do not subscribe to grading parents, because we do not know all of the ramifications of what’s going on or within that community.
Stargel filed a similar proposal last year that made national news but didn’t go anywhere in the legislature. It still has several committee stops, and a companion bill in the Senate has not yet been heard.